International External and Internal Martial Arts Academy


The 14/12/2024

2025 Pentecôte training

Hello all,
We are hoping to gather a lot of you for the 2025's Pentecôte training, from the 6th to the 9th of june.
You should have received the invitation mail from the AIAMEI through your club.
The inscriptions are to return to your club before the 28th of february. Do it as soon as possible !
And off course, keep training to be well prepared for this 3 days at the beach!

The 03/11/2024

Interclub training at Valence the 14/12/2024

The Master assistant Ludovic will give an interclub training at Valence, the saturday 14th of december 2024.
The practitians of all the YangKiDo clubs are invited to participate to this training, that will take all day.
More details on the Forum.
We hope to gather you all there.

The 05/10/2024

Master Nang at Peryus the 08/10/2022

Master Nang will be at the session of L'Esprit de l'Aigle the Tuesday 8th of October 2024.
For this occasion the clubs Le Souffle de la Licorne and L'Empreinte de l'Ours will also come to practice at Peyrus.
More details on the Forum.
We hope to see you all there.

The 08/08/2024

Starting 2024, and Forum of assocations

Yankido clubs will be on associations forum of their town.
You would be able to meet teachers, pratiquants :
- Saturday 7th September :
* L'Empreinte de l'Ours at Valence from 10h to 18h

You could meet clubs in our region, by particpating to the 2 trying lessons, starting the:
- Monday 9th September :
* L'Empreinte de l'Ours at Valence,
* La Voie Du Loup in Aix-en-Provence
All the details are on the page Clubs.

We whish findind you all in the best shape and condition for the starting !

The 08/07/2027

September training the 31/08 and 01/09 septembre 2024 at Mirmande

The September training, only for actuals practitians, will take place the week-end of 31th of August and 1st of September 2023, at Mirmande (26).
The inscriptions will be closed very soon... For the ones interested, please contact your club rapidly.
We hope to meet there a lot of you.

The 25/06/2024

Federal graduation for Alexandre

After the graduation before Master Nang and invited Masters, his cruciate ligament rupture and the following recovery, Alexandre was able to get his federal 2nd Duan, the 16th of June 2024.
He presented the federal program, including the halberd, in front of a very demanding jury of the FFAEMC.

Good continuation Alexandre !

The 21/05/2024

The graduations from Pentecôte training

During the training of Pentecôte 2023, a lot of graduation were successfull !
In the delivery order, also following the levels, we got:
- Claire-Marie, 1st câp, from l'Esprit de l'Aigle
- Agnès, 1st câp, from l'Esprit de l'Aigle
- Elessar, 1st câp, from l'Esprit de l'Aigle
- Sarah, 2nd câp, from l'Esprit de l'Aigle
- Julien, 2nd câp, from Souffle de la Licorne
- Cécile, 3rd câp, from Souffle de la Licorne
- Larbi, 4th câp, from la Voie du Loup

We are all congratulating them for their success, and whishing them a good and long journey within the YangKiDo.

We also need to mention the good participation, and the big number of graduations, from l'Esprit de l'Aigle, the last club created !
Congratulation to them for their will and work !

The 09/05/2024

A new black belt, and a new teacher

Sunday 31st of march, the school has seen a new black belt, and a new teacher, join its ranks !
Xavier, 4th câp and assistant at the Souffle de la Licorne has presented his 1st duan black belt program in front of a jury composed by :
- Master Borivoj and his practitian Maxime, both being jury among the FFKADA in Viet Vo Dao,
- Master Nang and Tayfun,
He is now a 1st Duan black belt, and should soon get dressed with the teacher's yellow jacket. He will continue to teach at the Souffle de la Licorne.
Congratulations to Xavier for this success !

Thanks to Master Borivoj, master of Viet Vo Dao inside his school Dong Fang Hong Long, and his practitian Maxime, for willing to participate to this jury.

The 30/03/2024

The YangKiDo on competition

In order to try the competition, to test our style and to put it under the spotlights, Ludovic, our Master assistant and Alexandre participated to championships.
The 18th of February, they were at St Genis Laval for a regional championship.
The 9th and 10th of March, they were at Nice for a national championship.
They showed Quyens, and participated to fights.
You can find the results on the associated picture...
They have showed the quality of our style, and their practitian excellence !
You can meet Ludovic at the Souffle de la Licorne, at Glun.
Alexandre will open his club soon, probably for September 2024.
Congratulations to them !

The 04/02/2024

Master Nang at Valence the 22/03/2024

Master Nang will assist to the lessons from L'Empreinte de l'Ours the friday 22th of March 2024.
Also will be present the clubs Le Souffle de la Licorne and L'Esprit de l'Aigle.
More details on the Forum.
We hope to gather you all there.

The 07/01/2024

Chinese new year 2024

Saturday 10th of February will be the Chinese new year's eve
The Chinese horoscope will then swtich to the year of the Dragon of Wood.
All the clubs from the Drôme and Ardèche will gather to celebrate it, at Peyrus, the Friday 9th of February.
More details on the Forum and within your club.
We hope to see you all there, in a good mood.

The 31/12/2023

Happy new year 2024 !

Happy new year 2024 to everyone.
We wish you all a very good year, in the practice off course, but as well in your personal life.
We hope to see you again in our dojos in good shape.

The 10/12/2023

Pentecôte training

Hello all,
We are hoping to gather a lot of you for the 2023's Pentecôte training, from the 17th to the 20th of may.
You should have received the invitation mail from the AIAMEI through your club. A copy is available on the Forum
The inscriptions are to return to your club before the 17th of february. Do it as soon as possible !
And off course, keep training to be well prepared for this 3 days at the beach!

The 25/11/2023

Participation at national food raising

From Friday 24th to Sunday 26th November, the Popular Bank organize a nation food raising to help need people.
L'association La Voie Du Loup is going into action for this event to help them to give out bag to collect first necessity products at supermarket in Aix-en-Provence.
A special thanks to Croix Rouge for its welcome and organization.

The 29/10/2023

Interclub training at Valence the 09/12/2023

The Master assistant Ludovic will give an interclub training at Valence, the saturday 9th of december 2023.
The practitians of all the YangKiDo clubs are invited to participate to this training, that will take all day.
More details on the Forum.
We hope to gather you all there.

The 21/10/2023

Interclub training at Valence the 10/11/2023

The Master assistant Ludovic will give an interclub training at Valence, the friday 10th of november 2023.
The practitians of all the YangKiDo clubs are invited to participate to this training.
More details on the Forum.
We hope to gather you all there.

The 07/10/2023

A new 1st câp

The club L'Empreinte de l'Ours introduced a practitian to a 1st câp graduation, during the septembre training, the 16 and 17 septembre 2023, at Mirmande.
Arthur succeed the graduation, and is now part of the 1st câps of the school.
Congratulations to Arthur for his work, and welcome to him in our world of work and accomplishments.

The 01/10/2023

Démonstration from Le Souffle de la Licorne, at Tournon the 18/11/2023

Le Souffle de la Licorne will participate to a multi-discipline training from the Karaté Do ShotoKai Yamato Kan.
It will be free and open to all practitians of any kind of martial arts.
It will be at the Gymnase Jeannie LONGO, rue de Chapotte, 07300 TOURNON SUR RHONE.
Le Souffle de la Licorne will perform a demonstration at 15h45.
Do not hesitate to go admire them, and support them.

The 19/08/2023

Starting 2023, and Forum of assocations

Yankido clubs will be on associations forum of their town.
You would be able to meet teachers, pratiquants :
- Saturday 2nd September :
* L'Empreinte de l'Ours at Valence from 10h to 18h, on stand 20 of the sportive village
- Friday 8th September :
* Le Souffle de la Licorne at Pont de l'Isère from 18h to 20h
* L'Esprit de l'Aigle at Peyrus from 18h to 20h
- Saturday 9th September :
* La Voie du Loup on Complexe sportif du Val de l'Arc in Aix-en-Provence from 10h to 18h

You could meet clubs in our region, by particpating to the 2 trying lessons, starting the:
- Monday 4th September :
* L'Empreinte de l'Ours at Valence,
* La Voie Du Loup in Aix-en-Provence
- Tuesday 12th September :
* Le Souffle de la Licorne in Glun,
- Tuesday 19th September :
* L'Esprit de l'Aigle in Peyrus,
All the details are on the page Clubs.

We whish findind you all in the best shape and condition for the starting !


Read old news (in french)


Welcome to Sheng Zhi Qi Dao school web site, member of International Academy of External and Internal Martial Arts (A.I.A.M.E.I). Our style, Yangkido Kung Fu, was founded by Master Nang. The school is composed of four Clubs, located in south of France :
L'Empreinte de l'Ours at Valence (26),
Le Souffle de La Licorne at Glun (07),
La Voie du Loup at Aix-enProvence (13),
et L'Esprit de l'Aigle at Peyrus (26).

Please find here a description of YangKiDo style, the way we practise it and the spirit transmitted through its teaching. The story of Master Nang helps to understand the reasons why he founded his own style and the School. Practical information about courses (schedule, access map) are at your disposal. Enjoy your visit !

Sheng Zhi QI Dao

SHENG ZHI QI DAO school was born on 1995…

  • SHENG : The warrior
  • ZHI : The wisdom
  • QI : The energy
  • DAO : The way

The Académie Internationale des Arts Martiaux Externes et Internes, (A.I.A.M.E.I) is the administrative foreground of our school. I pay homage to all masters and experts that guided me on the way of Martial Arts : Master NGUYEN DAN PHU, Master PHAN BINH, Master JIAN L., Master HE, Master ZHANG D., Master CHEN Z., Master KASE, Master BRASSECASSE F., Expert Darius S. and a souvenir for Robert S.

Master Nang E.


embleme du style yangqido
Yangkido style emblem

Offensive and defensive Martial Art, member of the great sino-vietnamese martial arts family, Yangkido is the martial style of Sheng Zhi Qi Dao school.

  • YANG : The fire, associated to warrior
  • KI : The Energy, fluidity, movement and power of water
  • DO : in Martial Art philosphy, the way

The YANGKIDO was not created in a competitive way, but so that anyone could face all perturbating elements of our society. Actually, competition do exist, not against an adversary, but oneself…